Using the Event Plug-in

Applies to: ChurchArt Pro Calendar Feature

By using the Event Plug-in, you can add a list of events to your home page (or any page), so members can quickly see what's coming up! 

1. Start at the Home page and choose "Website Plug-in." 

2. Follow the two-step process to set up your event view: 

Step 1: 

  • Choose either Selected Interest Groups or All Events to display in your custom view.
  • Choose the time period you want to display.
  • Choose the size that will best fit on your web page.
  • Click Save & Preview and make sure the preview looks just like you want it.


Step 2: 

NOTE: You can't edit the event viewer plug-in once it's been plugged into your website. If you'd like to change the criteria of what's displayed in the event viewer, simply follow the instructions to set up the event viewer going through the 2 steps again.

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