What's New? Calendar Update Release Notes
May 24, 2022
Detailed Release Notes on the Calendar Updates
The updated Calendar is LIVE! The Events Calendar is part of your ChurchArt Pro subscription.
Release Date: May 24th
All feature updates for upcoming release are listed below.
5-13-2022 Preview 7 tested, including:
- Improved visibility and usability of feedback forms for events
- Added full calendar embed option to the website plugins page
- Fixed bugs on printing large calendars and darkened grid lines
- Increased number of images that show per page when adding an image to a calendar day
- Added toggle for grayed-out past events
4-29-2022 Preview 6 tested, including:
- Improved readability of the calendar view by adding a hanging indent to events that run multiple lines.
- Improved the custom recurrence experience (allowing all events to be unchecked, show past events).
- Improved search results for some search term combinations.
4-21-2022 Preview 5 tested, including:
- Allowed users to add events to their own calendar from the Event Details view.
- Updated Interest Groups and Rooms and Equipment pages to make managing them more intuitive.
- Added calendar option to also show Building/Rooms on Calendar Grid View.
- Displayed Building/Rooms on List Views and Detail Views.
- Added a Copy Event button on edit Event to make a single copy of an event.
- Fixed bug where .csv downloads did not download the correct results for the current month.
- Made the top navigation bar "sticky" to the top of the screen when in edit views of the calendar.
- Improved custom recurrence option to allow removing past events.
- Made miscellaneous bugs and small UI tweaks.
4-14-2022 Preview 4 tested, including:
- Added a mail share on Event Details (still some polishing to do on the actual email that gets sent).
- Fixed multiple bugs related to event times, dates, and recurrences.
- Fixed bug when printing a calendar in portrait view in chrome was not showing the correct view.
- Made numerous other small UI polishes.
4-10-2022 Preview 3 tested, including:
- Polished the list views to make them more readable.
- Fixed a few bugs with end times and list view alignment.
- Polished the Word export to match the new UI as closely as possible.
4-6-2022 Preview 2 tested, including:
This release included some new calendar features.
- Updated colors and fonts to let you choose custom colors, including a Hex color.
- On the calendar grid, past events are grayed out.
- We added back buttons to views so site navigation is easier.
- You can sort images and events by using a Sort Rank under Edit Event.
- Image Upload can now handle PNG filetypes.
- You may still find bugs as we continue with updates.
3-31-2022 Preview 1 tested, including:
1. The new dashboard looks different but has the same functionality.
2. A big change! Edit Calendar has a new layout, including:
• Quick Event is in the upper right on the header.
• Create Event now has tabs across the top of the page instead of being a long page.
3. We've also updated how the calendar colors work. We tried to maintain existing colors as best as possible, but you'll see some minor tweaks (including things like the buttons now respecting a color).
We are happy to receive feedback emails at service@churchart.com. We will evaluate all your comments.
- ChurchArt Pro Team